Webinar: Case Studies of Innovative Low-Cost Work Zone Strategies
Cost: Free
Organization: Michigan State University and FHWA
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Case Studies of Innovative Low-Cost Work Zone Strategies. Friday 2/26 at 1:00 PM. This webinar is geared towards engineers, technicians, and practitioners working for local and state DOTs who are interested in learning more about innovative low cost work zone strategies and their applications. The topics covered within this webinar will include: Toolbox of low cost work zone strategies; MUTCD compliance and the FHWA experimentation process; Case studies of innovative low-cost work zone strategies implemented by state DOTs, including: driveway assistance devices, preformed reflective tapes, orange work zone pavement markings, painting the pavement surface black as an alternative to grinding pavement markings, and wait-time displays. To register for this webinar please go to https://msu.zoom.us/webinar/