How To Join IPWMAN
To become a member of IPWMAN, an agency must submit the following documents:
- A signed copy of an ordinance, resolution or other legally binding document authorizing the agency to enter into the IPWMAN Mutual Aid Agreement,
- A signed copy of the IPWMAN Mutual Aid Agreement,
- A completed application form
- A list of emergency contacts
- Contact your local accredited/certified Emergency Management Agency and let them know that you are joining IPWMAN
- Payment of dues (see Dues section below).
To submit these documents:
- Mail them to Illinois Public Works Mutual Aid Network: PO Box 898, St. Charles, Illinois 60174
Questions about joining? Please call 844-IPWMAN-9 (844-479-6269) for more information.
Mutual Aid Procedures
- No charge to recipient for first five days
- More than five days provider will be reimbursed by the recipient.
- If state or federal funds become available, IPWMAN response dues may be reimbursable.
Member Dues support
- Dispatch center
- Maintenance of resource lists
- Insurance, etc.
Dues are based on population served
- Under 15,000 -- $100 per year
- 15,001 to 75,000 -- $250 per year
- Over 75,000 -- $500 per year
A few reminders...
- No community is too large or too small to need help in a disaster
- No community is too small to help… If you can spare one truck and one person – you can help!!!
- When disasters strike, assistance may not be available locally or regionally
- IPWMAN is the first organization of its kind in the U. S.