Pipeline Security for Rural Communities - Fairview Heights, IL
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 - 8:00am to 5:00pm
The Metro East and outlying counties are an area with a huge amount of pipelines running through. Earlier this year we
experienced the Marathon pipeline spill near Edwardsville, and earlier this Fall, our neighbors up in Morgan County
experienced a natural gas pipeline fire near Waverly.
Illinois Emergency Management Agency Region 8 is happy to extend Pipeline Security for Rural Communities, January 10,
2023, at our Region 8 Office in Fairview Heights. This is an eight-hour course, free to attend; however, no overtime or
backfill funding is available. The deadline to sign-up is December 27.
The purpose of this awareness-level, instructor-led course is to bring together rural pipeline security stakeholders
including public safety, oil and gas pipeline representatives (large and small), local emergency planners, pertinent federal
agencies, and other community stakeholders to recognize pipeline security threats and identify mitigation strategies
within their jurisdictions to ensure that the rural pipeline sector is secure and resilient.
Register for this Course by December 27. (https://forms.gle/eTJftipK1xvnP1Qj6)