NIPSTA Snow Plow Simulator Training

Wednesday, November 28, 2018 - 8:00am to 3:00pm




Public Works Training Classes









NIPSTA presents this one-day interactive program to enhance snowplow drivers performance by training safely and effectively while operating a vehicle in the most extreme simulated conditions.  Scenarios have been developed in both city and suburban environments, on wide and narrow streets and in daytime and nighttime conditions.  Drivers will be prepared for any situation during the snow season as this course reinforces road awareness and plowing skills.


The NIPSTA Driver Training Simulators are designed for realism, responsiveness, and results.  Along with the high-resolution graphics on large-screen plasma displays, the seat, steering wheel, brake, and accelerator pedals enhance retention and application to the road.  The force-loaded steering provides real-time feedback to augment muscle memory in situations such as tire blow-out or collisions.  The system provides instant feedback about student actions and decision-making, thereby improving accountability and on-the-job performance.


Additional features that will challenge drivers to include directional plowing, spreader control with blast button, windblown snow and whiteout conditions, obscured windshield, and snow, ice, and other treacherous driving conditions.  Layers of difficulty are added to scenarios to accommodate any driver experience level.


Class Cost

$65 for NIPSTA Members

$105 for Non NIPSTA Members