Event Infrastructure Disaster Management Certificate Program - Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities (3 of 4)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018 - 8:00am to Thursday, September 6, 2018 - 5:00pm
Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities: https://dmww.eventbrite.com
Cook County Emergency Operations Center | 15900 S Cicero | Oak Forest, IL 60452
Electric power systems provide an enabling function across all critical infrastructure sectors. In our connected world, interruptions in electric service threaten the whole community. This course brings together internal and external stakeholders from the electric power utility and emergency management community who are responsible for ensuring the resiliency of the Nation’s electric power systems during a high consequence or catastrophic event within a jurisdiction.

Participants completing all four Critical Infrastructural Disaster Management courses (Disaster Management for Public Services, Disaster Preparedness for Hospitals & Healthcare Orgs within the Community, Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities, Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems) are eligible to apply for the Infrastructure Disaster Management Certificate. Recipients will receive a 10x13 certificate of Professional Recognition suitable for framing. There is no cost for the program.
