EMAC Mission Ready Package Training

Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - 1:00pm to 4:30pm
Creating mission ready packages (MRPs) greatly assist with the effective and timely deployment of mutual aid assets.

MRPs are specific response or recovery capabilities that have been created to ensure the skills, capabilities and associated costs are bundled prior to an emergency or disaster for more efficient deployment.


MRPs are based on NIMS resource typing concepts, but go even further to identify specific details about the resource such as mission description and capability, estimated mission costs, resource footprint, limiting factors, and logistical support requirements.


This workshop session is designed for Resource Providers. 

No previous knowledge of EMAC or MRPs is required. 


A resource provider is any organization that is able to deploy under EMAC and has capabilities that might be needed during an emergency response.


Upon completion of the webinar, participants will leave with: 


An understanding of EMAC and the importance of MRPs


How to develop an MRP


Knowledge of resources available to support resource providers with creating MRPs including templates, worksheets, and best practices.
