Debris Management Course - Cook County EOC-Oak Forest

Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 8:30am to 4:30pm

Login information to register for this class offered by Illinois Emergency Management Agency and hosted here in Cook County:

This course is designed for federal, state and local emergency management officials who may be involved in debris management or those agencies who want to become familiar with debris management   

                Prerequisite:      none        

                Lodging:               No Lodging available.      

                Description:        This one day course is designed to provide participants with the ability to manage enormous amounts of debris that a disaster can produce. The importance of having plans containing standard operating procedures for all aspects of debris management is emphasized. Various situations that debris cause are discussed and the consequent actions necessary to return a community to pre-disaster conditions are addressed. Participants will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned during group activities.

Items the students are required to bring to class:

- Copy of street map for municipal personnel or county map for county personnel
- Debris Management Annex/SOP or Plan
- Local disaster declaration boiler plate
- EOP/Local ordinance that would identify any emergency powers available following a local disaster declaration being declared


Cook County Emergency Operations Center
15900 S. Cicero Ave
Oak Forest, IL 60452